Seeing as man people buy their loved ones pets around holidays, I thought it would be a good time to share this article I read on MAINSTREET.COM about pet stores relationship with Puppy Mills.
If you or someone you know are looking for an animal companion, please check your local shelters first or a site like PETFINDER.COM, who works with rescue organizations.
There are other lots of other great recipes on the site too. I'm especially looking forward to trying the Butterscotch Pudding recipe because Butterscotch is my favorite. is a good photo hosting site that a number of my friends use to do what is basically a photo blog. Abby, is especially talented with her camera and I think you should check it out. One example I particularly like is from the night we went to see Bobby Long last week at Hotel Cafe. This is the lights in the club
Went to HOTEL CAFE to hear a great up and coming musician named Bobby Long. Discovered his music randomly through someones video post on facebook and immediately fell for this talented Brits soulful lyrics and raspy voice. Bobby is a Singer-Songwriter who's skill and brilliance has grown over the course of his 2009 world-wide tour with his most recent performance even more engaging than the previous one I saw just a few months ago.