Monday, February 9, 2009

Where's Matt?

So there's this guy named Matthew Harding who took a trip around Asia and at the urging of a friend danced for a video.


People saw it and shared it and eventually people at Stride Gum saw it and thought it'd be cool to pay for him to travel around the world and take video of him dancing at different places so off he went. 6 months and 39 countries later he had this:


Then he thought it'd be cool to travel around the world and have people who had emailed him about his previous video come out and join him, so the folks at Stride Gum sent him off again. Now we have this:


80 countries and counting.

This goes to show, you never know what little act will touch people or what turns life will take. So take that chance, be silly, have fun and always have your sense of adventure handy, because you just never know where life will lead you.

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